Never Go Gigging Alone

In these last two weeks I've had some experiences that I should definitely share with you. One of the most important lessons I've learned recently is to not go gigging by yourself. I've encountered new hazards lately that have shown me why it's not smart to go alone. I was walking an area that was unfamiliar, and just exploring, when out of know where I stepped in the wrong direction and automatically sunk up to my thighs in mud. Unfortunately, I was wearing my waders at the time. As I tried to pull my legs out of the silt, the ground suctioned me in causing me to fall and have water come up to my chest area. Luckily I was walking with a buddy (not to far from me) and he was able to come and assist me, and help me out of this unexpected predicament. If I had been alone I would have been in some trouble. It is wise to always have a friend with you when exploring new areas that you are not totally comfortable with just yet. It might save your life, you never know.
I'd also like to share some good news with everyone. The flounder with some decent size to them have finally made their way back into the flats and super skinny water. A couple nights ago we ventured out despite my prediction that conditions would be terrible. The tide was completely out and the moon was very bright over head. There was a wind from the North that had dumped all of the water out of the flats making it even more difficult (or so I thought). Once we were able to find some sand and bait within the moving water, the fun began. Within 30 minutes we had our two man limit of ten flounder and did not have to work very hard to get them. Luckily I had brought my commercial license with me just in case, and within about a two and a half hour window, I had 20 fish on the stringer ready to go to the market and eventually find their way to your dinner tables. All of the flounder we caught that night were at minimum seventeen inches and as large as up to twenty-two inches with an average of about 2.5 to 3.5 pounds. Their bellies were full (when I say full I mean it) of glass minnows and small croaker along with some small pin perch. They were overflowing with bait fish.
One thing I can't stress enough is that no matter how much of an expert you think you are, you will always wind up learning something new. This week the lesson is to get out and try to find fish no matter the conditions. Work on adapting and putting yourself in a position where you think they would likely be at.
If you have any questions about flounder just shoot me an email. Until next time, tight lines and sharp gigs.
Capt Brian “Flounder Professor” Spencer
Flounder Professor Outdoors@ You Tube and Facebook
Flounder Professor@ IG and Facebook